The bears (momma and 3 adorable cubs) taking my David LaMotte “Let’s be neighbors” sign to heart. So tiny. #creating cross-species community
Visitor Stories
Becki, Lake City
We live in a very small town. We’ve got a population of 400 year round residents and swell to over 1500 in the summer. Our little place can get awful contentious at times… and I wanted to share a new perspective with this small mountain family so I hung it up outside our new market…. Read More →
Becki, Lake City
I’ve already posted a story… but your sign ended up in our local newspaper this week! Thanks for what you do!!! It’s making a difference… making people smile…offering a light of hope.
Robin, Eastanollee
I live in a small, conservative town where differences are not always celebrated. Recently, I donated some furniture to our local Habitat and requested they pick up the items. Two men came and set about doing what needed to be done to get the stuff to the truck. One man went outside to get something… Read More →
Marianne, Gulfport
I put ip my sign during an all city art show and I keep it up 24/7. People stop and take pictures. It’s a great message! I hope everyone gets one for their yards. 🙂
Midge, Apex
I put up the “Let’s Be Neighbors“ yard sign last year & have noticed many stopping to read it & smiling. I was outside the other day when I heard a little girl attempting to read it aloud, with her Dad’s help. She gave me a big thumbs up when she finished – a nice… Read More →
Catherine, Kennesaw
Inspired by the words of this message and it’s clear welcome to all, our Session voted to hang this banner outside our sanctuary. Thank you for allowing this artwork to be shared!
Jan, Fairfax
A couple weeks ago, around dusk, I heard a knock on my front door. When I answered, a man I’d never seen was standing there. He said “is that your sign?”, pointing to our Let’s Be Neighbors banner which hangs on a frame tied to a tree in our front yard. I said it was… Read More →