After the last election we were angry and wanted to put a big middle finger sign in front of our house! Dave came up with this sign and we rolled our eyes. Then, after the last three years of so much hate, we are finally coming around to realize that, of course, compassion and love is the answer–it takes some of us longer than others to calm down/stop the anger. Working the elections with our PPE on and hoping for positive, compassionate, caring change!!
I saw this sign next the the Presbyterian church in my town and had to take a picture! I am not a fan of the signs that I see around my town, but this sign is an exception, and made me smile! Fred Rogers would approve of this sign! When I first saw the sign, I immediately thought of Mister Rogers. Coming up with this sign was a GREAT idea! It is NOT political at all, which I find VERY refreshing! This sign is wonderful and the words are a great to remember and think about!
Thanks, Hadley. I’m glad you like it, and I appreciate your stopping by to say so. I guess I would say that it’s not ‘Partisan’, but it’s pretty political, in the broader sense. I think ‘politics’ really means any process by which we decide together about what matters and who matters. By claiming that everyone matters, it’s making a pretty solid political statement, I think. 🙂 Regardless, thank you!