A couple weeks ago, around dusk, I heard a knock on my front door. When I answered, a man I’d never seen was standing there. He said “is that your sign?”, pointing to our Let’s Be Neighbors banner which hangs on a frame tied to a tree in our front yard. I said it was indeed, that I’d given it to my husband for Fathers’ Day last year. He said, “I think that’s the best sign I’ve ever seen. I really like the message.” He introduced himself and said he lives a couple blocks over, and takes walks through the neighborhood frequently, but had never asked by our house before. He said with the way things are in the world, he was encouraged to read the message about being neighbors with everyone, and he thanked us for having it in our yard. He asked if I wrote it, and I told him my friend David Lamotte had, and that David’s work is to be a peacemaker. He was surprised to hear that could be someone’s profession. He asked to take a picture of it, which I said was fine of course, and I suggested he check out the website. I hope he did.
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